In Japan’s northern Hokkaido prefecture, the town of Saroma overlooks Lake Saroma, a body of water renowned for its pure, mineral-rich waters. From this natural wonder the vegetation thrives, and the sustainably raised, meticulously cared for cattle produce some of the world’s highest quality Wagyu beef. An intense, especially sweet flavour emerges, making this A5 cut a truly unique flavour experience.
Its 100% Angus parentage makes the Black Onyx cut deliciously unique. Genetically, it is the purest form of Black Angus Beef. The long-fed approach ensures only the finest level of slowly developed marbling. The Black Onyx offers a hearty, rich flavour and a juicy tenderness.
Perfect for sharing, the Chateaubriand – 500g is a truly majestic cut of meat, and one for the connoisseur. A 150-day US grain-fed fillet carved from the best part of the beef tenderloin. An absolutely delectable, melt-in-your-mouth cut with a wonderfully delicate flavour profile
In Japanese ‘kiwami’ means ‘outstanding excellence’. As one of our finest cuts of Wagyu, the Kiwami Ribeye earns its name with ease, providing a combination of silky flavours, tenderness, taste, and irresistible juiciness. It holds the perfect balance of taste and texture, and is most certainly a steak you won’t forget.
A terrifically tender and flavourful Black Onyx beef grain-fed for 300 days. If your love for meat runs deep, this cut is for you! Initially grilled, before being roasted in our signature Kopa charcoal oven, the perfect meat-lover’s steak is created
Rangers Valley is one of the world’s most respected and premium marbled beef producers. They specialise in long-fed, pure Black Angus and Wagyu cross-breeds, bringing you the highest quality, best tasting, consistently tender and delicious beef, every time.. WX by Rangers Valley is Wagyu cross-bred with the very best genes to create something new and unique for those looking for something rare and exclusive. Melt-in-your-mouth flavour, terrific texture, and a mystifying umami are just some of its exemplary characteristics. 100% verified Wagyu Sire, Crossed, and with a minimum of 360 days feeding time.
Stockyard’s long-fed beef is derived from Angus cattle, and fed on a specially formulated, high-energy grain ration at Kerwee Feedlot. Renowned for its sensational taste and guaranteed tenderness, Stockyard Gold has been a consistent medal winner at branded beef competitions in Australia over the last 20 years. To guarantee taste, flavour and safety, Stockyard uses locally grown, wholesome wheat, barley and sorghum.
The T-bone steak is cut from the short loin and is easy to recognise because of two cuts – sirloin on one side and tenderloin on the other – separated by a T-shaped bone. With a rich, beefy taste, the sirloin will always have more marbling, where the tenderloin will always be more tender. Our T-Bone is served on sizzling lava rock or served whole in all its glory.
Every tender piece presented before you is sourced from the best meat producers in the world.
Every cut with its own merit, prepared in honour of the incredible ingredient it is. Join us on our journey of incredible cuts, and learn more about the stories behind all the mouth-watering flavour.
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